Monday 17 August 2015

The 1989 Book Tag

The 1989 Book Tag was created by Charnell at Reviews from a Bookworm
Find the original post here

Welcome to New York

You can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls. 

1. A book with LGBT themes 

I enjoyed the book but I have to say that I preferred the film. If you haven't seen it go watch it!

Blank Space

You can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain.  

2. A book that hit you right in the feels... but was totally worth it. 

I was practically sobbing at the end of The Book Thief. It's so good! It's been over a year since I read it and I think about the book at least once a week.

I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream. 

3. A book that you hated but you loved the cover.

This cover is so beautiful but I didn't enjoy reading the book. 

I've got a blank space baby and I'll write your name. 

 4. Your latest book boyfriend/girlfriend

 Jack from Night Owls can be summed up in one word - charming.
Back off Beatrix, he's mine!


We never go out of style. 

 5. A timeless classic you love. 

I adore The Hobbit. 
It's one of my favourite books.
Shame the films weren't that good (I prefer the Lord of the Rings films).

Out of the Woods

The rest of the world is black and white, but we were in screaming colour.  

 6. A book which had vivid world building.  

I love the His Dark Materials trilogy and the worlds that Philip Pullman created.

The monsters turned out to be just trees. 

7. A book where things weren't exactly how they seemed. 

I didn't see the big twist coming.

All You Had To Do Was Stay 

You were all I wanted... but not like this. 

8. A book you were eagerly anticipated, but ended up being disappointed by. 

 I really enjoyed the Goddess trilogy by Josephine Angelini so when I heard that she had a new series coming out I was excited but I was very disappointed by Trial by Fire.

Shake It Off 

The haters gonna hate... 

9. A book/series that everyone seems to love but you can't help but hate. 

Please don't hate me but I was really disappointed by books one and two in the Throne of Glass series and really did not like Heir of Fire.
Celaena and I did not get on.

10. A book/series you love but everyone else seems to hate. 

 I know a lot of people don't like Hush, Hush but I really enjoyed it. Granted more than I probably should but some books you can't help but like. Hush, Hush was one of those books for me.

I Wish You Would 

I wish you knew I'll never forget you as long as I live. 

11. A book/series you know you will always love. 

I adore these books.
They were the first fantasy books that I can remember reading and they made me want to write.

I wish you were right here, right now.

12. An upcoming release you wish you could have right now! 

I need the sequel to Shades of Grey NOW!
It's my favourite book and I can't wait to read more.

Bad Blood 

Now we've got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love.

13. A character you once loved but grew to hate.  

I liked her to start with but then she just annoyed me more and more.


Did you have to do this, I was thinking that you could be trusted. Did you have to ruin what was shiny, now it's all rusted.

14. An author you haven't forgiven for the things they did to your favourite characters/books.

Suzanne Collins!
*shakes fist*

Wildest Dreams 

I can see the end as it begins. 

15. A book that was far too predictable. 


Nothing lasts forever but this is getting good now. 

16. A book/series that you wish could have gone on forever. 

I love this series!
There are only four books but I would happily read many more about these fantastic characters.

How You Get The Girl 

That's how it works, that's how you get the girl. 

17. One of your favourite books where they 'got the girl'.

I was so glad that Xander and Caymen got together. They're so sweet!

This Love 

In darkest screams, in wildest dreams, I never dreamed on this. 

18. A book that completely shocked you. 

I cannot explain how much I love this book.
I wasn't expecting to be so sucked in.
Read it!

I Know Places 

Loves a fragile little flame it could burn out. 

 19. A book you thought you loved but quickly came to hate.

I loved the Tomorrow series by John Marsden so when I heard that he'd done a spin-off series continuing the story I couldn't wait to read it.
It was awful. I didn't even finish the first book.
Such a shame.

Something happens when everybody finds out.See the vultures circling dark clouds.
20. A book you didn't want to be seen reading.

I read this to see what the fuss was about.
Wish I hadn't.


The drought was the very worst, when the flowers that we'd grown together died of first. 

21. When the wait between books made you forget everything that happened. 

The wait between books 3 and 4 meant that I forgot everything and I've been meaning to re-read the other books but years later I still haven't gotten around to doing it.

 By morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.

 22. A book/series you wiped from your memory.

I wish I could forget this series because I'm so disappointed that I didn't enjoy it like everyone else.

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